
All Projects Done with multiple Clients

Each project is a unique piece of development


GW Alpha

E-Book Selling app with full authentication and payment integration using Stripe. Use can purchase any book using card and after payment user is able to download PDF file of E-book.

#Next.js#Stripe.js#Uploadthings#Redux.js#Tailwind CSS#NodeMailer

Code NativeX

I designed and developed the website for Code NativeX, a software company, utilizing Next.js to ensure smooth graphics and performance. The website incorporates Node.js backend functionalities, leveraging Nodemailer for seamless contact form submissions.

#Next.js#Tailwind CSS#Framer-motion#NodeMailer


Xyndicate blends the power of social networking with advanced crypto trading tools in a user-friendly platform. Be part of the new era of crypto investing.

#React.js#Tailwind CSS#Lotie.js#Framer-Motion


​​I build that landing page for a Web3-native consulting company. Bankless Consulting is the world's first web3-native consulting firm. Whether you're a DAO or a traditional enterprise, we’ll help you capture the potential of the rapidly expanding decentralized economy.

#React.js#Tailwind CSS


​​The YAW AI Beta App Landing page build for a client according to requiremets. This includes some animation using json data

#React.js#Tailwind CSS#JSON.animations

Admin Dashboard

I created a comprehensive admin dashboard frontend for a UK client. It features various charts (like pie and line charts) to visualize crucial data such as customer insights, order details, locations, store products, and monthly revenue.

#React.js#Recharts#Tailwind CSS#MUI#Date-fns

Carla Dirschauer

I developed a website for a German client named Carla Dirschauer, replicating their existing site using Simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Subsequently, I enhanced the website's performance by converting it to React.js for optimal speed optimization.

#React.js#Tailwind CSS

Gear Xplore

I managed the frontend design for the Gear Explorer website, focusing solely on its visual elements without implementing any functional aspects. The website allows users to explore a variety of gear items, including bikes, cars, and rental items.

#React.js#Tailwind CSS#Vite.js

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